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Am Mühlenbach 13 - 59929 Brilon - Fon: +49 2963 96653-66 - Mailto: jk@legal-translator.eu
JK Legal Translations
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Aspects to consider in connection with legal translations

Legal Translations

Information required in connection with legal translation services

The following information is useful and should be furnished by the customer requiring legal translation services.

  • Target country of the translation (e.g. for translations into German: CH or DE, for translations into English: GB or US)

  • Purpose of the translation (e.g. for internal use only or for official purposes, for publication)

  • Is a certified translation required or not?

  • Supporting material or preceding correspondence in the same case, if any, so as to ensure consistent use of terminology

  • Company contact for clarifying terminology, misunderstandable or ambiguous content or formulations, inconsistencies identified in the source text or other cases of doubt

  • Could any existing glossaries or background information be provided, if required

  • Deadline for delivery of the translation

  • Other technical information (e.g. formatting, layout, etc.)

Translator's work flow

    • Analysis of the source text with regard to volume, style, structure, grammar, spelling, obvious mistakes, completeness

    • Decision whether any additional tools, dictionaries, glossaries, translation memories or other sources of information (e.g. relevant standards or databases) can or should be used

    • Clarification of questions and cases of doubt with the author of the text to be translated

    • Start of the translation process as such

    • Proofreading and performance of the required corrections

    • Delivery of the finished translation


Postal address:
Jutta Kreienbaum, Diplom-Übersetzerin
Am Mühlenbach 13
59929 Brilon

Phone: +49 2963 96653-66
Fax:     +49 2963 96653-67
Cell phone:   +49 176 844 859 27

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(C) 2024 Jutta Kreienbaum, Diplom-Übersetzerin
Jutta Kreienbaum is a member of the German professional association of interpreters and translators (BDÜ)
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